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International TV channels in Denmark
AntenneMesteren specialize in satellite dish installation in Copenhagen and the North of Zealand areas. We can help you watch specific international TV channels in Denmark, either by satellite or IPTV.
We have many contacts within the EU to receive your TV from home (EX-PAT TV).
Many of our customers, who are often stationed here in Denmark, have very specific TV needs and we are helping them getting their TV from home.

Method 1: Satellite dish
We have experience installing satellite dishes from 40 cm to 3 meters which can receive TV channels from many places in the world. If you are not allowed big satellite dishes where you live, we have a few solutions for you. Contact us for further details.
You can also bring your satellite TV from home to watch your TV channels in Denmark. We can supply and help you install a satellite dish in the right size, so you will get a clear picture and a stable quality.
You probably can’t use the same dish here as you use in your own country due to the footprint from the satellite.

Method 2: IPTV
For this method we will be using an Android based STB to stream the IPTV channels from your home country. With an IPTV box you do not need a dish anywhere on your property – only a reliable internet connection.
The box is an all purpose STB ready to use with Netflix, Disney+, HBO, Viaplay, Spotify and all the other services you subcribe to.
Once we process your order, we will setup the box for you and enable your TV-package. Our technician will install the box at your location and make sure everything is running smooth.
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